Breaking Free from Mom Guilt: Tips for Prioritizing Yourself

As a mother, it's easy to fall into the trap of feeling guilty for taking time for yourself. We often put the needs of our family above our own, but neglecting ourselves can lead to burnout and a decrease in overall wellbeing. It's time to break free from mom guilt and prioritize our own needs. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Recognize the importance of self-care: Taking care of yourself isn't selfish, it's necessary. When we neglect our own needs, we become more irritable, less patient, and less able to handle the challenges of motherhood. Prioritizing self-care will not only benefit you, but your entire family.

  2. Identify your guilt triggers: What makes you feel guilty about taking time for yourself? Is it leaving your kids with a babysitter? Taking a break from household chores? Identify these triggers so you can address them head-on.

  3. Set boundaries: Setting boundaries can be difficult, but it's necessary for our own wellbeing. Communicate with your family and set boundaries around your personal time. Let them know when you need some alone time or when you need to take care of yourself.

  4. Practice mindfulness: Take a few minutes each day to practice mindfulness. Whether it's through meditation, yoga, or simply taking a few deep breaths, mindfulness can help reduce stress and increase feelings of wellbeing.

  5. Get support: Surround yourself with supportive people who understand the importance of self-care. Join a mom's group or seek out a therapist who can help you work through feelings of guilt and prioritize your own needs.

Remember, taking care of yourself is not only important for your own wellbeing, but for the wellbeing of your family. Break free from mom guilt and prioritize your own needs. You deserve it.

Gut Check Questions:

  1. Have you been neglecting your own needs in favor of your family's needs?

  2. What triggers your feelings of guilt when it comes to taking time for yourself?

  3. What boundaries can you set to prioritize your own needs?

  4. Have you tried mindfulness practices to reduce stress and increase wellbeing?

  5. Who can you turn to for support in prioritizing your own needs?

If you're struggling with mom guilt and prioritizing your own needs, consider joining the More Than Motherhood program. Our personalized coaching and supportive community can help you break free from guilt and prioritize your own needs for a more fulfilling life.


Redefining Success: How to Create Your Own Definition of Success as a Mother


Self-Care for Moms: How to Prioritize Yourself and Still Be a Great Mom