Balancing Roles: Nurturing Your Passions Amidst Motherhood

Hello, amazing souls! Welcome back to my corner of the internet. It's your friend Juanita here, and I'm absolutely thrilled to dive into today's topic—a subject that's close to my heart and surely resonates with many of you: the art of balancing your roles and nurturing your passions while embracing the beautiful journey of motherhood. Let's jump right in!

**Bold Opinion Alert**

You are a multifaceted individual with dreams that deserve to flourish, both within and beyond the realm of motherhood. Embracing your passions not only fulfills your soul but sets a powerful example for your children—that following your dreams is a journey worth taking.

Eager to find harmony between your roles? Check out my MTM Starter Kit for guidance on nurturing your passions amidst your motherhood journey.

Embracing the Harmony: The R1 Phase

Our journey of balancing roles begins with the **R1 phase**: Rediscover. This is where you dive deep into your passions and reconnect with the essence of who you are. The dreams that once ignited your soul—remember those? They're still very much a part of you, waiting for you to breathe life into them.


Balancing roles isn't about compromising your passions—it's about integrating them into your journey. The act of rediscovery is a beautiful reminder that you are more than just a mother—you are a powerhouse of potential.


Becoming a mother can be a life-changing experience, and it can also be a time of great transition and adjustment. It is common for moms to lose sight of their own needs and desires in the midst of caring for their children and families. As a result, many mothers feel disconnected from themselves and their sense of purpose.

As I embarked on the journey of motherhood, I grappled with the societal pressures that came along with it. The pressure to be the perfect mother - the one who prioritized her children above everything else, the one who never lost her cool, the one who never expressed dissatisfaction - weighed heavily on me. But the more I tried to live up to these expectations, the more depleted and dissatisfied I became.

I distinctly remember feeling like a lost ship adrift at sea during those initial days of motherhood. I was drowning in responsibilities, unable to find my footing, and struggling to reconcile my sense of self with this new role.

However, my experience taught me that it is possible to break free from the shackles of motherhood expectations and create a life that truly aligns with our values and passions. It's all about finding the right tools and support system to help you along the way. This book being one of the many tools in you tool chest.

If you're feeling like you've lost yourself in the role of motherhood and yearning to reignite your sense of self and purpose, know that you're not alone. With the right mindset and support, you can break free from the overwhelming pressures and start living a fulfilling life that celebrates both you and your family.

Ready to embark on your journey of rediscovery?

Download the MTM Starter Kit and start nurturing your passions today.

Becoming a mother can be a life-changing experience, and it can also be a time of great transition and adjustment. It is common for moms to lose sight of their own needs and desires in the midst of caring for their children and families. As a result, many mothers feel disconnected from themselves and their sense of purpose.

As I embarked on the journey of motherhood, I grappled with the societal pressures that came along with it. The pressure to be the perfect mother - the one who prioritized her children above everything else, the one who never lost her cool, the one who never expressed dissatisfaction - weighed heavily on me. But the more I tried to live up to these expectations, the more depleted and dissatisfied I became.

I distinctly remember feeling like a lost ship adrift at sea during those initial days of motherhood. I was drowning in responsibilities, unable to find my footing, and struggling to reconcile my sense of self with this new role.

However, my experience taught me that it is possible to break free from the shackles of motherhood expectations and create a life that truly aligns with our values and passions. It's all about finding the right tools and support system to help you along the way. This book being one of the many tools in you tool chest.

If you're feeling like you've lost yourself in the role of motherhood and yearning to reignite your sense of self and purpose, know that you're not alone. With the right mindset and support, you can break free from the overwhelming pressures and start living a fulfilling life that celebrates both you and your family.

Creating Your Unique Balance: The R2 Phase

In the **R2 phase**: Redefine, we explore the art of balancing. It's not about dividing your time; it's about crafting a unique balance that allows your roles to coexist harmoniously. Your passions are not separate from your motherhood—they're an integral part of it.


Balancing your roles is an act of self-love and self-care. It's about honoring your identity and passions while also embracing the beauty of nurturing your children.


As a society, we often have a certain image of what a "perfect" mother should be. She should always be patient, always put her child first, and always have a spotless home. She should never get tired or frustrated and should always have everything under control. But, the reality is that these expectations are impossible to live up to.

Ready to redefine your approach to balance?

Explore the Business Starter Kit to learn how to integrate your passions into a thriving venture.

A new definition of motherhood is needed that is inclusive, empowering, and recognizes the importance of self-care and personal growth. This new definition should encourage you to prioritize your own well-being, set and achieve personal goals, and embrace your identity as an individual, rather than solely as mother. Through redefining motherhood, you can create a life that is more fulfilling and authentic, and that honors you unique experiences and challenges of motherhood.

Cultivating a Supportive Environment: The R3 Phase

Moving into the **R3 phase**: Reconnect, we focus on nurturing a supportive environment. Surround yourself with individuals who understand and encourage your journey of balancing roles. Seek out connections that uplift and inspire, fostering an atmosphere of growth and empowerment.

Your circle should be a source of positive energy that fuels your passions. Surround yourself with those who believe in your dreams as much as you do.


Have you ever wondered what truly drives you and what your deepest values and desires are?

The answer to that question lies within your higher self. Your higher self is the part of you that is connected to your inner wisdom, purpose, and values. It is the part of you that is in tune with your inner desires and the life you are meant to lead.

Now this higher self can be called God, Universe, Source Energy, the Devine or Mother Nature. As my favorite spiritual teacher Gabby Bernstein teaches, it does matter what you call it. Just call upon it and have faith in it.

This inner wisdom and guidance can come in the form of thoughts, feelings, and guidance. It can also come in the form of instincts and intuition. We can access this part of ourselves through meditation, journaling, prayer, or through seeking guidance from a mentor, coach, or teacher. The higher self represents the larger Universe and is perfect and whole. It also represents a sense of connection within yourself that exists above and beyond your ego. It can also represent a deeper truth that you've uncovered in your own growth and self-discovery. By reconnecting with your higher self, you tap into a deeper sense of understanding and guidance when making important decisions and choices in your life.

Ready to cultivate a supportive network?

Tune into my podcast episodes for conversations on balancing roles and nurturing your passions.

Challenging Limiting Beliefs: The R4 Phase

As we journey forward, the **R4 phase**: Rewrite, invites you to challenge limiting beliefs. Let go of the notion that you must choose between being a devoted mother and pursuing your passions. You have the power to rewrite this narrative.


Your dreams are not in opposition to your role as a mother—they enhance it. By challenging limiting beliefs, you pave the way for a life where both aspects coexist beautifully.


Limiting beliefs are self-imposed limitations that hold us back from reaching our full potential. These beliefs are often deeply ingrained in our subconscious and can be difficult to identify and challenge. However, it is important to understand that our beliefs shape our perception of reality and can greatly impact our ability to achieve our goals and live a fulfilling life.

Examples of limiting beliefs include “I am not good enough,” “I don't deserve success,” “I don't have enough time,” and “I am not capable of making a change.” These beliefs can prevent us from pursuing our passions, taking risks, and living life to the fullest.

In order to create a fulfilling life, it is essential to identify and challenge these limiting beliefs. This process requires self-awareness and introspection, as well as the willingness to embrace change and growth. By understanding the power of our beliefs and actively working to replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones, we can overcome the obstacles that have been holding us back and unleash our full potential.

Eager to rewrite your narrative?

Dive into the Rewritten Workbook to transform self-limiting beliefs into empowering stories.

Crafting Your Ideal Routine: The R5 Phase

In the **R5 phase**: Redesign, it's time to craft a routine that aligns with your roles and passions. Assess your daily activities—are they in harmony with your dreams? It's about making intentional choices that nurture both your motherhood journey and your individuality.

As mothers, we can easily get consumed by the demands and pressures of parenthood. We may feel like our own needs and desires are secondary to the needs of our children. However, it's essential to remember that we are more than just mothers, and we have our own dreams and aspirations outside of motherhood.

By redesigning our lives to fit us, we can pursue our passions and interests, set goals that align with our values, and create a life that is fulfilling and authentic. This might mean making small changes in our daily routines or re-evaluating our priorities to better reflect our own needs and desires.

Remember, as a mother, you are not defined solely by your role as a caregiver. You are a multifaceted individual with unique talents, passions, and aspirations. By redesigning your life to fit you, you can embrace all aspects of your identity and live a life that truly reflects who you are.


Redesigning your routine is a form of self-care. Prioritize activities that resonate with your passions and dreams—it's a step towards creating a life that reflects your true essence.


Ready to redesign your routine?

Tune into my podcast episode on "Designing Your Dream Life" for practical insights and inspiration.

Harmonizing Roles: The R6 Phase

Our journey culminates with the **R6 phase**: Realign. It's about harmonizing your roles, recognizing that you are a mother and a passionate individual simultaneously. Embrace the power that comes from being both—your unique blend of roles is what makes you truly remarkable.

Motherhood can be a constant journey of self-discovery and growth, but it's also a journey of change and evolution. As your life evolves, it's important to regularly assess where you are and realign yourself with your values, goals, and passions. Realigning is about making intentional changes and taking action towards creating the life you want.


Balancing roles isn't about perfection; it's about authenticity. Embracing your passions enriches your journey as a mother and as an individual—it's a path to fulfillment.


Ready to realign your path? Grab your copy of "More Than Motherhood" for a deep dive into harmonizing your roles.

Final Thoughts: Your Journey, Your Legacy

As we wrap up, remember that the journey of balancing roles and nurturing passions is a legacy you leave for your children. It's a testament to the power of authenticity and pursuing dreams. So, dear souls, embrace the beauty of being a mother and a dream-chaser—your journey is inspiring, empowering, and uniquely yours.

Excited to embark on this transformative journey? Download the MTM Starter Kit and begin nurturing your passions amidst motherhood.

Here's to creating a life that's full of love, purpose, and the magic of balanced roles. Until next time, keep shining!

With warmth and determination,



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