Each baby step forward you take is still a step forward

Let’s get one thing clear, we have been conditioned by society and technology to expect big results in as little time as possible. Anything from 15 minute pizza delivery guarantees to 2 day prime Amazon deliveries to instant online downloads, we want the biggest and best things in life in minutes. In fact, some of us have become so impatient that we expect the very best things life has to offer delivered yesterday. Talking about setting ourselves up for a letdown.

There are many challenges in your life that will take quite a bit of effort, attention and energy. You may be going through school. You may be trying to earn a degree. You may be trying to get your dream job. You may be trying to convince your boss to give you a well earned raise or promotion.

Whatever form the challenge takes, please understand that it's something you have to work on. It's something that often takes a long time. This is what trips many people up.

We live in a world that is increasingly impatient. As recently as 10 years ago, it was perfectly acceptable for pizza shops to deliver pizza in 30 minutes or else it's 100% free. Do you think that's still the case in most metropolitan areas in the United States? Absolutely not.

Today, we have reached a point where if your pizza guy does not deliver your pie within 15 minutes, you expect a refund because you want that pie to be absolutely free. That's how impatient we have become.

This is why the concept of some sort of long journey towards expertise, credibility and authority is very irritating to a lot of people. 9 times out of 10, people would rather dispense with the process of paying their dues.

You have to understand that you can't become some sort of overnight expert. You can read all the books in the world regarding a particular subject, but you're not going to be an expert in that subject until you actually carry out that information.

For example, if you are a lawyer and you spent a lot of time in law school reading everything you know about personal injury, all the theory in the world, regardless of how many bits and pieces of information you have managed to memorize, are not going to help you when it comes to deposing the other side, talking to a huge number of claims adjusters and eventually taking your case to trial.

There's a big divide or disconnect between theory and practice. This is why it's always a good idea to not assume that just because you learned certain things that it will automatically or magically transform you. Focus instead on each baby step forward you take. Each step is a victory.

It may seem small and it may seem irritatingly long, but you shouldn't be impatient. Each baby step forward you take is still a step forward. Click here to figure out how to develop real unstoppable confidence from this information.


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