Show up for your glow up
Show up for your glow up
The glow up.
That version of yourself is already within you.
Show up as her
show up as the woman you want to be
show up as the mother you want to be
show up as the leader you want to be
she's already within you.
show up for that version of yourself
show up for your glow up
you are becoming her
becoming the version that you know you can be
as she slowly start to let go of all of the external pressures and factors and burdens and things that you've carried along the way
as you let go of that person
you are becoming her and you're becoming the woman that you are meant to be
It's Destiny. It's yours
you can feel it
you can feel it in your soul
that you're starting to wake up
and you're starting to see her in the mirror and you're starting to do the things that she does
and speak the way that she does
and act the way that she does
and you can feel her coming through
she's so close and as you become her you are awaken
you are awaken to your purpose
you are awaken to your calling
and you have this unshakable confidence within you that is beaming
and it is contagious and as you develop this unwavering self love you're able to fully Embrace and see yourself as you truly are
and that is a woman of power
a woman of purpose
you are that woman
you are that girl so show up for her
her she needs you to show up now and In This Moment truly and authentically her
you are becoming her
I dedicate this you you.