Top Five Challenges of Creating a Success Mindset

‘Create a success mindset’ they say.

‘Just go after the things you want in life’ they say!

‘Take risks’ they say…

It’s a shame it’s not always that easy right? The road to a success mindset is one wrought with obstacles and many of these are things that nobody likes to talk about. It doesn’t fit the narrative. It’s time we addressed them…

Here are the top five challenges of creating a success mindset:

You Don’t Know What You Want

This is a surprisingly common issue and one that rarely gets brought up. How can you go after what makes you happy if you don’t really know what that is? How can you find a goal and stick to it when you fear commitment?

Having Weird Aims

Or what if you know what you want in life but your aims are just too weird or unattainable? What if you don’t want to start a business, travel or start a family. What if you want to be an acrobat? And you’re 60?

What if everyone will laugh at you?

Being Conflicted

Or how about being torn between travelling and settling down with the person you love? What if your heart is genuinely pulling you in two different directions? What if going after your dream, means saying goodbye to people you love, or turning your back on the things that made you who you are?

Being Honest With Yourself

We are prideful creatures and our very psychology is wired in such a way as to protect our fragile egos. We don’t want to admit to our failures and we don’t want to feel like we’re going backward.

And so when we realize that we’re unhappy with what we have in life, it can be very hard for us to be honest and admit that – to ourselves or to others!

Responsibility to Others

It’s easy to say that you should take a leap and apologise later but what if people are really relying on you to be mature and stable? What if your goal is to go travelling but you just got pregnant?

Yes, there are ways around this too – you can explain how important this is to you and convince her to come with you. But it won’t always work. And at the end of the day, you’re always going to be giving your child a less stable home.

There are answers to all these problems of course – but just know that the path isn’t as simple as some would have you believe!


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