Top Mistakes to Avoid When Following Your Passion

Life is all about deciding to follow your passion, but sometimes the journey can be overwhelming. Following your passion means taking responsibility for your path in life. The tendency is to want to ‘get it right' on the first try and not make any mistakes. Unfortunately, this never happens. When you try to control a situation, it is usually out of fear, which you may not be aware that you have. Doing things out of fear usually ends in unintended, less than optimal results. Here are some of the most common mistakes people make when following their passion and how to avoid them. 


The Perfection Trap

When you are pursuing your dreams, you want to try to avoid making grandiose plans. You don't have to find the one perfect passion, but instead, you need just to follow the clues in front of you. Step back and look at what you can do today, and then pick what excites you. When you've completed that, look around you and take the next step that interests you.


Forcing Progress

As you start on your journey to following your passion, look at the options that you currently have available, and then notice which one holds the most interest for you, then do that. You don’t want to try to force things, If you feel overwhelmed, take a break. Lie down and relax, and when you start to feel better, ideas will emerge.


Thinking Ahead

Worrying about what will happen in the future doesn’t help. If anything, it will make what you are worrying about occur. Worrying about what's ahead will stop you in your tracks, and you'll never end up following your passion. Try to avoid thinking bad thoughts. Ask yourself more productive questions and guide your thoughts to what can go right.


Making Fear Your Enemy

When you follow your heart and go after your dreams, you will have to let go of your fears so you can soar even higher. Don’t let fear scare you, instead take it as a sign that you’re on the right path. If you want to follow your passion you have to feel your fear fully.


When following your passion, you have to start looking inside for answers and stop looking for permission. You have to stop making excuses for why you can’t take action and just take the next step, and the one after that, until you end up where you want to be.


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